1st Meeting of the Bahrain 2025 Asian Youth Games Holds

1st Meeting of the Bahrain 2025 Asian Youth Games Holds
The first meeting of the Iranian delegation to the Asian Youth Games in Bahrain was held at the office of the NOC Secretary-General.

Iran NOC; Tehran: The meeting which was participated by the NOC President and Secretary-General along with key directors of the National Olympic Committee and Chef de Mission; Dr. Alinejad, stated: "This is the first official meeting of the Youth Games to plan and regulate activities, because we have received the technical information and game booklets, and the disciplines have just been prepared and we have to determine our plan. Mr. Pakdel was previously elected as the Delegation Chef de Mission by introducing the President and approval of the executive board members; with his coordination, we will prepare and announce the delegation chart until the next meeting, but some committees must start their activities and present their plans; For example, the Protocol Committee for the preparation of tickets and the Logistics Committee for the preparing clothing items and all the necessary requirements need to start their initial action.

Following the meeting, Pakdel, the Chef de Mission, informed the members of the meeting about the information he has received through email, in -person and online meetings from these games so far. He announced: “Due to the host change of games, things have been slow, but I am confident that we can do all the things right and timely, and as the Secretary -General emphasized, we’ll select and nominate the committees at the earliest opportunity to determine the activities of each department”.

Mar 10, 2025 08:21
National Olympic Committee |

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