Proposed by the NOC President & EB approval:

Dr. Mahdi Alinejad Becomes NOC Secretary-General

Dr. Mahdi Alinejad Becomes NOC Secretary-General
Upon the proposal of Mahmoud Khosravi Vafa, President of the National Olympic Committee, and the approval of the Executive Board members, Dr. Mahdi Alinejad became the Secretary General of the National Olympic Committee.

Iran NOC; Tehran: At the end of the 47th meeting of the Executive Board of the National Olympic Committee, after reviewing the agenda, Dr. Mahdi Alinejad was elected as the Secretary General of the National Olympic Committee, upon the proposal of Mahmoud Khosravi Vafa, President of the National Olympic Committee, and the approval of the Executive Board members.

Dr. Alinejad previously held the position of Deputy Minister of Championship and Professional Sports Development of Iranian Sports and Youth Ministry preceded by being President of Iranian Wushu Federation. Standing as the Board Member of the Asian Wushu Federation, Vice President of the Asian Wushu Federation and Board Member of the International Wushu Federation are in his sports and management background. 

Feb 25, 2025 21:44

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