NOC Women’s & Sport Commission Holds Meeting

NOC Women’s & Sport Commission Holds Meeting
The Women and Sports Commission meeting was held, at the National Olympic Committee, with the majority of members in attendance.

Iran NOC; Tehran: At the beginning of the meeting, Dr. Farhadizad, Chair of the Women and Sports Commission and Vice President of the National Olympic Committee, welcomed all members and raised the Women and Sports Conference, the second training course for Olympic Ambassadors, and the celebration of Influential Women in Sports as topics for the meeting. After discussion and reviewing by the members, following items were approved:

·         The conference program was carefully prepared and presented to the key speakers of the conference

·         The deadline for receiving papers was extended to February 2021.

·         a 3-hour training course for a group of students to volunteer for cooperation in the women's conference will be held at the National Olympic Academy next week

·         . a badge of the Women's Commission will be prepared to be given to the conference participants

·          a proposal for an international scientific and research conference on women's sports will be sent to the IOC

·         a proposal for the second training course for Olympic Ambassadors will be sent to the IOC

·         a film will be prepared on the topic of holding the first training course for Olympic Ambassadors to be presented at the meeting of the Asian Women's Sports Commission in Brunei

·         Designating and holding a working group to review the selection of influential women in women's sports based on the established indicators.


Jan 25, 2025 09:25
National Olympic Committee |

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